Sunday 25 September 2011

Are zebras black with white stripes OR white with black stripes?

Zebras are wild african horses or equids which are generally social animals that live in a small harems to large herds. Zebras are large, long-lived mammals. Their teeth are made for grinding and cropping grass. The physical features of a zebra is that they have a horse like body with their manes made of short, erect hair and their tails tufted at the tip and with a striped coat.

The great zebra debate; are zebras white with black stripes or vice versa?

 I recall watching the National Geographic and reading various encyclopedias about the zebras. According to these reputable sources, zebras are black African horses with white stripes. The logic behind this reasoning are; most zebras have darker coloured skin underneath its coat and, it is impossible for these equids to survive the scorching hot African climate with its fair skin.

I did ask around for opinions from my families and friends. Most of them told me that they see zebras as white with black stripes with various reasonings. My favourite and one that i can relate to the most is the one that my mum, Robiah Ab Karim told me. She said, " Well my dear daughter, to me, zebras are white with black stripes. As for why i see it that way, it is because most backgrounds started with white, then comes the colours or the this particular case, black and stripes. It totally depends on the person that is looking at the zebra. Like me, i try to always see things the positive way. The colour white is always associated with purity, gentleness and space or freedom. Then comes the strong, beautiful, striking stripes of black. The combination of these two very distinct colours makes a zebra beautiful and strong yet delicate, although it is hard to find a domestic zebra, they are not the predators. These combinations of plain coloured background and a bold coloured stripes helps these creature to camouflage, saving them from the predators, subhanallah." I nodded with a mutual agreement.

I sat and gave myself some time to think about this. Finally, i came to my own conclusion. From my point of view, they are none. It totally depends on the zebra as they have patterns that is unique to each individual. Not one zebra is the same with another zebra. so, it can be a black zebra with white stripes, or black zebras with white stripes. Either way, they are still beautiful zebras.