Sunday 13 November 2011

Check out who's that gal on the cover!!

To replicate a magazine with a twist, me on the cover!!! Never in my wildest dream for this to happen, but hey...i'm on the cover ;) so the first task is to replicate a Masscomm Magazine during class and i managed to finish it on time. Here is the end product:
Mr Khai surprised us with an instant 'photoshoot' during class and yes, most of us are unprepared especially me. Please excuse my messy hair and the no makeup face... Although, I am thankful that this class is in the morning, may it be in the afternoon...i might look worst! Haha!

The second assignment is to replicate any magazine cover. I chose the Harper's Bazaar magazine with Ein Tan & Ling Tan on the cover :

 And here's my version:

I chose that magazine because I find the cover is not too complicated to replicate and, the pose is also not very complicated to copy. I decided to wear a Kebaya for this shot because I would like to introduce the Malay heritage costume while me and my 'twin' takes on the world. I haven't master the art of photoshop yet, but perhaps one day, I will be able to create my 'real twin'. InsyaAllah.

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