Monday 2 January 2012

Working with Fonts

This assignment is all about fonts. Fonts are one of the most important feature in identifying the theme or subject of the design. Using the suitable and effective font will definitely ace the design. I reckon that choosing the right font is not an easy work. designers are spoilt with choices of fonts to download and use. Using the wrong or unsuitable font may lead to a disfunctional design. So choosing the right font is indeed crucial.

Creating a Brochure

brochure can also be referred to as a pamphet which is a type of a leaflet. it contains information about a certain amusement place for tourists or health information for the patients that visits the health center or in this case information about the Mass Comm Faculty in Uitm Shah Alam for those who are interested in studying here.
 So here's my design for the brochure that i mentioned earlier: 

The Pressure Test ;)

In this post i have uploaded the end result of the test that Mr Khai has given the class and I to do. Basically the task is to replicate the pictures that was given to us using Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator. I did my best and hope that I aced it, insyaAllah.

 The top one is the original work, one which i had to replicate and the bottom invitation is my work.

Same goes here except the one that i had replicate is the top one while the original picture is at the bottom. 

Alhamdulillah, I managed to finish both task in time. and most important, I enjoyed doing this test.  

Sunday 13 November 2011

Check out who's that gal on the cover!!

To replicate a magazine with a twist, me on the cover!!! Never in my wildest dream for this to happen, but hey...i'm on the cover ;) so the first task is to replicate a Masscomm Magazine during class and i managed to finish it on time. Here is the end product:
Mr Khai surprised us with an instant 'photoshoot' during class and yes, most of us are unprepared especially me. Please excuse my messy hair and the no makeup face... Although, I am thankful that this class is in the morning, may it be in the afternoon...i might look worst! Haha!

The second assignment is to replicate any magazine cover. I chose the Harper's Bazaar magazine with Ein Tan & Ling Tan on the cover :

 And here's my version:

I chose that magazine because I find the cover is not too complicated to replicate and, the pose is also not very complicated to copy. I decided to wear a Kebaya for this shot because I would like to introduce the Malay heritage costume while me and my 'twin' takes on the world. I haven't master the art of photoshop yet, but perhaps one day, I will be able to create my 'real twin'. InsyaAllah.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Assignment 4: Yunalised

This week's assignment is to duplicate Yuna's latest album cover entitled Decorate. Replacing Yuna's picture with my own and with a concept of "less is more", this is what I came up with:

And this is Yuna's album cover :

Sunday 9 October 2011

Assignment 3 ; Poster

This week's assignment is the first assignment that requires some designing skills. I think that the purpose of this assignment is rather catchy. The purpose of this assignment is to determine weather we (the students) are able to adapt to the specified design and style and also to see our sense of style.

I manage to come up with this super simple poster;

Sunday 2 October 2011

Fonts that portrays my characteristics

Salam, this week's assignment requires us ( Mr Khai's students ) to choose some fonts that can describe our characteristics.

It wasn't easy to pick up one since i myself know that I am undefineable yet uncomplicated. There's a few side of me that people can see, depending on who I am with at the moment.


This first font that i chose is Abbeyline font. I chose this font because it did  portrays my sensual, mysterious, gentle and polite, classy and elegant with a hint of introvert-ish personality.

The second font is called Topsy Turvy, is all about me being simple, cheerful but quiet, laid back and rather playful at times.

And this last font that i chose; Brushed. Sometimes when everything seems wrong, i turn out to be this super sensitive, stubborn and a cold person. Harsh looking and rather violent, especially when i am terribly hurt.

As you can slowly tell that i am not that kind of person whom you can get or be just one thing. There are many sides of me but i am always transparent. Choosing and deciding has always been the issue between me, myself and i.